The Benchmark Email API is a powerful tool that allows you to integrate your database programs with our system. Users managing subscriptions or message content on their own system may use the API to transfer data from their internal system to their Benchmark Email account.
You can now easily manage your lists, emails and campaign reports using our API. You can connect into our API using XML-RPC.
The API is broadly divided into four categories:
These functions allow you to create, subscribe, unsubscribe, update and export your contact details.
These functions allow you to create, copy and update your email campaigns. You can now even schedule and test emails in your account.
These functions allow you to get all the statistics associated with your email campaigns. You can easily pull the data from the opens, bounces and forwarded emails.
These functions allow you to generate and manage your tokens. Use these security tokens to access the above methods without having to login to your Benchmark Email account.
The Benchmark Email API is available in 2 forms (XML-RPC and PHP). It's available free of charge
We have built a simple event notification system that helps keeping your mailing list synced with a local list on your server a lot easier than using traditional APIs. When your Benchmark Email list changes, we'll send an update to your application with the new info. See webhooks documentation